Decisions, decisions: should Flow stay free on this site?

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This is the deal: the fine folks at Amazon have offered to make Flow a borrow-able book in the Kindle Lending Library (I think this is a perk for Amazon Prime customers, plus a few other close friends of Jeff Bezos.) That would be kind of cool, and other first-time authors on their bulletin boards say it’s a great way for me to get some exposure over there through borrowing and promotional opportunities. The downside, though, is I have to double-pinky-promise that I can’t distribute Flow electronically in any other way. So the free PDFs here on Benawrite would be a n0-no.

So I’ll leave it up to you folks here: do I toss my six or so loyal Benawrite readers under the bus, so to speak, to join the Amazon juggernaut, propelling me to Fame and Fortune? Or do I dance with them that brought me, and keep dribbling out the chapters here for free?

PS. You can buy the whole dang thing on Kindle for 99 cents anyway. So by “Fortune” I meant, “enough money to buy the Grande instead of the Tall coffee”.

2 responses

  1. It’s an epic poem!

  2. Like Beowulf!